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Django Generic Many to Many Field Implementation

Django application has a GM2MField that combines the features of the standard Django "ManyToManyField" and "GenericForeignKey".

Django Subdomains to do Advanced Things

We always struggle to give users customization's even before they login to the system like and django don't know how to handle that out of the box.

We can do it by writing simple middle ware. Django Middle ware have access to request and responses, so, we can get hold on to request and pass it on to django views for further process. Here we will add new property to request and can render pages by seeing at the subdomain property.

Using Django's Built in Signals and Writing Custom Signals

Django has a beautiful feature of signals which will record all the actions performed on particular model. In the current blog post we’ll learn how to use django’s built in signals and how to create custom signal.

Django has lot of built in signals like pre_save, post_save, pre_delete and post_delete and etc. Now we’ll learn how to use django’s pre_delete signal with a simple example. In the way we use pre_delete in the present blog post we can use other signals also in the same way.

Basics of Django Messages Framework

In any web application we need to display notification messages to the end user after processing a form or some other types of his requests. To make this messaging system simple, django provided full support to cookie and session based messaging for both anonymous and authenticated users.

This messages framework is capable of storing messages in one request and retrieving those messages in the subsequent request. Every message has a tag based on its priority(info,warning and error).

Understanding Django Model Formsets in Detail and their Advanced Usage

Silmilar to the regular formsets, django also provide model formset that make it easy to work with django models. Django model formsets provide a way to edit or create multiple model instances within a single form. Model Formsets are created by factory method. The default factory method is modelformset_factory(). It wraps formset factory to model forms.

Facebook Integration in your Website

Using Facebook integration, we can get the user verified email id, general information, friends, pages, groups and you can post on his profile, facebook pages, groups with out user entering a details in a less span of time.

Django Model Managers and Properties

Django model is the single, definitive source of data about your data. It contains the essential fields and behaviors of the data you’re storing. Generally, each model maps to a single database table. And an instance of that class represents a particular record in the database table. Django Manager is the interface through which database query operations are provided to Django models.By default, Django adds a Manager with the name "objects" to every Django model class.

Add Captcha to Django Web Page Using Python-reCaptcha

Python-reCaptcha is a pythonic and well-documented reCAPTCHA client that supports all the features of the remote API to generate and verify CAPTCHA challenges. To add into your django project, you need captcha public, private keys are required.

Django Forms Basics Explained

Django forms is powerful module to help django application development in rendering html from model, validate input from http request to model specifications. And we can extend the module to suit our exact need. Lets see basics of django forms. Forms are a collection of fields that knows how to validate itself,Form classes are created as subclasses of django.forms.Form

Is Django Best Framework for your Web Application Development

Is Django best framework for your web application development