This post includes how to integrate facebook login in a website using Django. Uses of integrating facebook login:
The following steps needed for integration.
1.Creating Facebook app: To create facebook app click here and go to apps on top of the page. Click on create new app.The resulting popup box will prompt you to enter 3 things: AppName, Namespace & category. After creating app you will be provided a dash board and grab both the app Id and app secret.
Complete the all field in settings basic tab.Click Add Platform at the bottom of the page and select Website.Enter a path where you will want to store your file(i.e redirected url).
2.Authenticating user and getting accesstoken: Authentication flow contains 3 steps. i.Generates a URL asking the user for permission. ii.Facebook returns the authentication code to the redirecturl. iii.Get access token using authentication code. i.Generates a URL asking the user for permission:
GET{fb client id}&redirect_uri={redirect_uri}&scope={permissions separated with commas }
Now go to the above url it redirects to facebook page and requested for permissions.
Here we are getting 2 cases based on user response.
case1: If the user don't accept the permissions and click cancel button then error message send as response to the redirect url.
case2: If user accepts the permissions then authentication code is sent to the redirect url. ii.Facebook returns the authentication code to the redirect url: If user accepts the permissions then authentication code is sent to the redirect url. The response is shown below.
YOUR_REDIRECT_URI?code={authorization code}
iii.Get access token using authentication code:
The response for above is shown below.
3.Get user Information using accesstoken:
GET{access token}
access_token=The token we get in previous step. Response contains the user information. Note:If you are not specified any permissions then public profile is returned.
4.Get user friends list: Permissions needed: read_friendlists
GET{access token}
The above request returns the list of friends with following information for each friend.
5.Get user pages list:Permissions needed: manage_pages
GET{access token}
The above request returns the list of pages which current user is an admin with following information for each page.
6.Get user groups list: Permissions needed:user_groups
GET{access token}
The above request returns the list of groups which current user is an admin with following information for each group.