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Sending SMS, MMS using Twilio

A simple Tutorial on sending SMS and MMS in python using Twilio. In this tutorial you will learn how to send SMS, MMS and checking sms status.

Working with Python Collections Part 1

Python Collections - named tuple is to access by the names specified and deque is to append and pop the elements from both sides of queue are explained with real time examples in part 1 of collections series

Customize and Embed Vimeo Videos using Python Requests

Using python requests and vimeo endpoints it becomes very easy and simple to upload our videos and customize them.

Vimeo Access token:
1. Create an account at vimeo, vimeo has different levels of account, so based on your requirement signup for suitable account.(This article assumes pro account)
2. After you log in, create an app and generate token based on your requirement like editing, uploading, view etc..

Create Excel File, Insert Image, Draw Bar Graphs in Excel Files in Python Using Xlsxwriter

Xlsxwriter is a python module through which we can write data to Excel 2007+ XLSX file format. In this blog post we learn to write data, insert images and draw graphs in the excel file.

How to Implement Case Insensitive CSV DictReader in Python

In general use cases we upload the CSV files to the system to store huge amount of data by uploading single file. For example in e-commerce sites we just write thousands of products details in a CSV file and just upload it.

In python we can read the data of a CSV file in 2 ways. One by using normal csv.reader and the other by using csv.DictReader.

Python using Yield and Generators

Generators are memory efficient. They allow us to code with minimum intermediate arguments, less data structures. Generators are of two types, generator expressions and generator functions. Generators are helpful for reading large files, streaming.

Generating PDF Files in Python Using Xhtml2pdf

There are many ways for generating PDF in python. In this post I will be presenting PDF files generation with xhtml2pdf.

xhtml2pdf: xhtml2pdf is a HTML/CSS to PDF converter written in Python and therefore platform independent. xhtml2pdf supports for frameworks like Django and simple integration into Python programs. It is also usable as stand alone command line tool.

pisa: pisa is a html2pdf converter using the ReportLab Toolkit, the HTML5lib and pyPdf.

Using Python Xlwt Generating CSV Writer and Excel Files

In most of the cases, you need to export the data from your database to different formats. In this post I will show you how to create functions in your Django applications which export data as files. Here I will be covering the mostly used formats: CSV and Excel.

How to Access Development Server Publicly Using Localtunnel

We do need to expose our local server to hit call-back URLs while programming with other APIs. There is a tool called local tunnel from and that does it for you for free with https. Now, what local tunnel is? Local tunnel allows us to easily share a web service on our local development machine without any server modifications. It will assign a unique URL which can be publicly accessible that will proxy all requests to our locally running webserver.

How to Generate PDF Files from HTML In Python Using PDFKIT

There are many approches for generating PDF in python. pdfkit is one of the better approache as, it renders HTML into PDF with various image formats, html forms and other complex printable documents.