Celery is a task queue with focus on real-time processing, while also supports task scheduling. Task queues are used as mechanisms to distribute work across multiple threads or machines. A task queues input is a unit of work called a task,dedicated worker processes and constantly moniter the queue for new work to perform. Celery communicates via messages using a broker to mediate between workers and clients.
Using Flexbox with React Native
React Native is very similar to React, but one of the major difference is styling the components. For styling we use similar to CSS, is called Flexbox Layout. Mainly Flexbox purpose is to provide fixed layout on different screen sizes.
ELK Stack for Parsing your Logs- Part 2
In Previous Tutorial we looked into Setting up EL Server which can ingest your Syslog files. In this Post, you will learn about pushing your Log Files to EL Server and How we will Display it in Kibana with Interactive Graphs.
Elastic Search Security Measures
After Installing Elastic Search in production, many new developers leave it unconfigured. In this Post, we will look into important config file changes and its implications
ELK Stack for Parsing your Logs
In This Tutorial we will look onto parsing your syslog files and store and display it in interactable website. We will be using ELK Stack for this purpose, before Jumping Into ELK Stack Lets see what each means
E - Elasticsearch: open source search and analytics engine, which stores data and relies on Apache Lucene for searching.
L - LogStash: Logstash is an open source data collection engine with real-time pipelining capabilities.
Web Hooks for Gitlab using PHP and Shell Scripts
Web-hooks play vital role if you are in Continuous Integration(CI). Higher Level organizations follow GitLab for CI purposes if they operate on open source solutions and at times every developer needs to check his code integrity. At times like that, web-hooks can help us.
Live Chat with SalesForce Live Agent
Live chat with SalesForce Live Agent
Salesforce Einstein Analytics: Why Businesses of Every Size Opting this Technology?
Know why businesses are opting for Salesforce Einstein Analytics in their line of work. Learn, How Salesforce can be beneficial to all industry verticals.
Salesforce Einstein Analytics: Why Businesses of Every Size Opting this Technology?
Know why businesses are opting for Salesforce Einstein Analytics in their line of work. Learn, How Salesforce can be beneficial to all industry verticals.
Build Custom Ecommerce websites from Scratch using Django Framework
Are you looking for an e-commerce application development and worrying about the budget, technology stack to use? Here is our solution to deliver feature rich e-commerce application in less time using django oscar.