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Pinterest has about 317 million unique monthly users between the age group 18 to 64 years. Its audiences are distributed evenly between all the age groups and maximum numbers of its users are women. Most people who use Pinterest are likely to make ecommerce purchases. Infact, Pinterest users are 10% more likely to buy from an ecommerce site than users on other social networking platforms.

Another great feature of Pinterest is that pins have the highest online longevity. Be it Twitter or Facebook, a tweet or post disappears after a while however with Pinterest, a single pin has a half-life of atleast 2,520 hours. Pins usually also show up in search results thus they have a wide reach and most Pinterest users make use of mobile devices to connect to the platform thus brands can target users with Pinterest ads anywhere, all the time.

Pinterest for your Business

Promoted pins look just like regular pins thus the ad serving experience is quite seamless and does not disrupt the user’s feed in any way. For a brand, a promoted pin is any pin that they pay for so that they are visible to larger audiences. The pins are not at all disruptive and cause customers to explore more about the advertised brand. Once promoted pins are shared by a user, more and more users get to see it thus increasing chances of success for achieving business goals.

The MicroPyramid Way

MicroPyramid is an advertising agency that excels at the art of Pinterest ads management. Our process is aimed to garner 100% results for your Pinterest ad campaigns and involves:-

  • Intensive research – We carry out intensive research about your brand and understand fully your product offerings and challenges. We then move on to carry out intensive research on the keywords and hashtags to be used for success of your Pinterest ad campaigns.
  • Competitor research – We conduct thorough analysis of your competitor sites and campaigns and determine the ways to define your product USPs and brand success stories.
  • Strategic campaign creation – We build strong campaign strategies and create the collaterals to make the campaign a roaring success.
  • Creation and execution – First we create compelling visual ads and then execute the campaign as per defined strategy. We ensure that the Pinterest ad management services that we provide are backed by a team of talented and experience professionals who know how to succeed at Pinterest advertising.
  • Tracking and reporting – We put measures in place to track the progress of your Pinterest ad campaigns. We share regular reports with you on the successes of your Pinterest campaigns.

Interested in knowing more? Send us a mail today at Go ahead and initiate the road to Pinterest ad campaign success.