Famous Apps Built with React Native
Famous Apps built with React Native
React vs Flutter - Which is Preferred for You?
In this Article, you will get the clear information about react and flutter it’s features and drawbacks
Best Cross Platform Framework for Mobile App Development
React Native is an open-source cross platform for mobile application(Android and IOS) development, developed by Facebook. Important things to consider React Native for mobile apps: High Development speed, Low-cost and High Performance.
Tracking Location Using React Native in Android
To track the location in react native we have ‘geolocation’. Geolocation support both ios and android. Before using the geolocation we need to request to access the user location by adding below line in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml.
Using Flexbox with React Native
React Native is very similar to React, but one of the major difference is styling the components. For styling we use similar to CSS, is called Flexbox Layout. Mainly Flexbox purpose is to provide fixed layout on different screen sizes.