Django - Database access optimization
Django - Database access optimization. Write the best query to reduce the time and improve the application performance. using select_related and prefetch_related will form sql query with joins. In some cases It will reduce extra queries to the database.
Streaming Protocols continued... RTMP, MMS
Audio streaming protocols explained with rtmp and mms in depth. We develop audio streaming services and we will setup your internet radio.
How to monitor django application live events with sentry
Using Sentry you can easily track exceptions and events of a Django project. Know more about sentry configuration for a Django project
Usage and configuring i3 window manager in Ubuntu
This Article will explains you how to Configure and Use Window Manager in Ubuntu.
How to use gulpjs to Minify css, js and convert less, scss to css
Use gulpjs to Minify css, js and convert less, scss to css
Linux, managing child processes executing concurrently
Concurrent processing is complicated, it’s better to avoid it when possible, but when there is a priority for faster execution or there is a need to have multiple functionalities(programs) simultaneously we have to go for it. Using ampersand(&) symbol we can run processes in background or subshell, this way they run concurrently.
Dynamically Adding Google Maps with Marker In Django
Dynamically Adding Google Maps with Marker In Django
Streaming protocols ogg, mp3, aac
Audio streaming protocols ogg, mp3 and aac explained in simple and advanced methods. We develop internet radio stations and we can do it for you.
Python development environment on windows
Python development environment on windows in an easy and simple way
What's great about Django girls to inspire women into programming
Django girls is a non-profit organization, that helps women to learn Django programming language and to inspire them into programming.