How to Convert a Web Page into PDF Format Using RenderAs Attribute
Companies frequently need web page data to be converted into pdf. So, they can have an easy look into the progress. For this in salesforce we can convert visual-force pages, which consist of critical data into PDF format.
Dynamic Models in Django (Adding New Fields to Models from Admin)
Some times in the production level there may be a chance of adding new fields to our model.With the normal django models when we add new field to the model the database is not able to identify the new field.To make database identify the new field we have to drop the existing database from the database and sync our application again.During the time of production it is not possible to remove the existing data. The solution for this is Django-eav. With this we can add fields to our models on fly.
E-commerce (Paypal) Integration with Django
E-commerce is integration is becoming almost essential for every web application now a days. There are so many payment gateways to integrate with our application. Some of them are Amazon payments, Asiapay, BPAY, Brain Tree, PayPal ...etc. Out of these now in this we'll see how to integrate Paypal with our django Application.
Php7 Hosting on Ubuntu Server with Nginx(LEMP Stack)
PHP7 is the latest version with lot of performance improvements and every one want to update their servers and code to it. Lets see how to configure one and host your code.
Here we see the combination of ubuntu, nginx, php-fpm, php7, and mysql.
Compared to LAMP stack LEMP is powerfull as we use Nginx as reverse proxy and static file serving in contrast to Apache server.
Django Generic Many to Many Field Implementation
Django application has a GM2MField that combines the features of the standard Django "ManyToManyField" and "GenericForeignKey".
Setting Up Gitlab Container Registry on own Domain
GitLab Container Registry is a secure and private registry for Docker images integrated completely in Gitlab. In this tutorial we will setup and use GitLab Container Registry. If you're using previous versions of Gitlab upgrade and then follow this tutorial.
Setting up Reactjs Environment & First Reactjs App(Hello-World)
create your first react application hello-world from scratch. A step by step guide to understand and setup the reactjs environment. Understand the node package manager and the packages that we use while setting up the reactjs environment.
Understanding Logstash Parsing Configurations and Options
In This Tutorial we will learn to customize Logstash to parse any type of Log Files. Logstash helps us to process logs and other event data from a variety of systems. It also Supports variable injection into elasticsearch and has 200+ plugins.
Django Subdomains to do Advanced Things
We always struggle to give users customization's even before they login to the system like and django don't know how to handle that out of the box.
We can do it by writing simple middle ware. Django Middle ware have access to request and responses, so, we can get hold on to request and pass it on to django views for further process. Here we will add new property to request and can render pages by seeing at the subdomain property.
Using Django's Built in Signals and Writing Custom Signals
Django has a beautiful feature of signals which will record all the actions performed on particular model. In the current blog post we’ll learn how to use django’s built in signals and how to create custom signal.
Django has lot of built in signals like pre_save, post_save, pre_delete and post_delete and etc. Now we’ll learn how to use django’s pre_delete signal with a simple example. In the way we use pre_delete in the present blog post we can use other signals also in the same way.