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Twitter Advertising lets brands connect with customers on a real time basis and build long lasting business relationships. The Twitter feed is updated instantly on a real time basis and conversations are often direct and to the point. These features of Twitter let you advertise your business in a live environment and achieve your business goals in a short span of time.

Twitter ad management and marketing when implemented effectively can boost your website traffic and grow brand awareness by keeping your brand in the focus in a live feed of constantly updating conversations. When you target the right keywords, you can be sure that they will also boost your SEO efforts and thereby build brand equity and awareness.

Advantages of Remarketing

Twitter advertising can help you get new followers, increase website visits, increase app installs, get new leads and increase video views. There are various targeting options available that can be used to achieve your business goals with Twitter. With MicroPyramid by your side, you can be sure of achieving exemplary results with your Twitter ads and marketing campaigns. We follow the highest standards when it comes to Twitter ad management and marketing. We start by setting up your page with a clear and concise bio and eye catching header and profile picture. Then we ensure your brand gets a large number of relevant followers who wish to engage with your brand. We come up with a customized marketing plan that meets your goal, may it be increasing more followers, running lead campaigns, increasing website visits, increasing app installs or re-installs or running video marketing campaigns.

Here are some key features of our Twitter marketing services:-

  • In-depth Competition Analysis – We undertake a comprehensive look at your Twitter advertising plans as well as that of your competition. We study your industry or line of business and figure out new ways of marketing your services so as to make them stand out and ahead of your competition.
  • Ads of All Types – We have mastered the art of smart copy writing and path breaking designs and know how to execute multiple types of ads at any given time. We also excel at A/B testing and conduct that on a timely basis to ensure that the most effective ads keep running for your Twitter marketing campaigns.
  • Ad Targeting – Twitter offers various ad targeting options however utilizing their full potential is a skill that very few possess. At MicroPyramid, we have skilled teams who can target ads with precision to custom audiences that convert to leads for your product or service.
  • Timely Reporting – We offer you updated reports with rich insights on your Twitter advertising campaigns. You can see for yourself how each campaign performs and meets your business goals with our reports and analysis.

Get started with your Twitter Advertising campaigns. Drop us a mail at and embark on a journey to achieve your business goals with Twitter.