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Advertising today is largely driven by social and visual content and Instagram leads the baton here. There are about 80 million images uploaded daily on Instagram and almost 3.5 billion likes every single day on Instagram. In such a scenario, marketeers cannot afford to miss utilizing Instagram for their social marketing campaigns.

How does Instagram Advertising Work?

Instagram advertising allows marketeers to achieve several goals, be it increasing brand awareness, increasing product sales, getting more leads or increasing mobile app downloads or store visits. Instagram has various ad formats that marketeers can utilize to meet their business goals:-

  • Photo adverts
  • Video adverts
  • Carousal adverts
  • Stories adverts

Marketeers can use the precision targeting options that Instagram provides to showcase these adverts to their target audiences. Instagram allows targeting audiences by:-

  • Location – You can target customers located closest to your store or business premises with the location option. You can specifically target some types of geographic areas and promote your business there.
  • Demographics – With demographics you can run your ads and showcase them to audiences of a certain age, gender or those who speak a particular language. This keeps undesirable audiences out of reach and lets you focus on your exact target group.
  • Interests – This lets you focus on customers who follow certain types of users or those who use certain apps or those who click on certain adverts such as ads by your competitors or similar businesses such as yours.
  • Behaviors – This feature by Instagram lets you target a customer by the kind of activities he or she indulges in on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Custom Audiences – Custom audiences lets you display your adverts to those customers that are already known to you. You can input their email address or phone number and target specific campaigns at them. This can be especially helpful in cross-selling products or services.
  • Lookalike Audiences – This feature lets you find audiences who have similar attributes as your existing customers.
  • Automated Targeting – This feature is an intelligent feature that suggests audiences that you can target based on a wide range of factors such as age, location and interests.

MicroPyramid for your Instagram Success

Reach your customers or potential customers with effective Instagram ad management services by MicroPyramid. We are one of the few ad agencies who have mastered the art of Instagram ads management while other agencies are still waking up to the idea of using the social media platform. Sponsored posts on Instagram have a really high recall value; it is about 2.8 times higher than other mediums. At MicroPyramid, we ensure that your sponsored posts make a dent in your target audience groups. Our services range from:-

  • Audience targeting
  • Strategy and campaign execution
  • Design of adverts
  • Creation of copy for adverts
  • Campaign set-up
  • Tracking parameters placement
  • Image SEO
  • Competitor analysis
  • In-depth campaign analysis and reporting
  • Conversion marketing
  • Hashtag creation and virality
  • Exhaustive keyword research and analysis

Get started today; contact us now at for more information.