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Explore a blog dedicated to a wide spectrum of topics including Django, Python, Machine Learning, Salesforce, Angular, React, Flutter, Svelte, LINUX, and Amazon Web Services.

Set Up Travis CI For Django Project

Travis CI is a continuous integration service used to build and test applications hosted at GitHub. Here are simple steps to add CI to you django project.

Sending Emails Using Sendgrid on Heroku for a Django App

Integrate Sendgrid API to your Heroku app to deliver simplified emails like any notification emails, user signups etc.

Generic, Functional Based and Class Based Views in Django REST Framework

Writing Different Types of Views in Django-Rest-Framework.Writing Different Types of Views in Django-Rest-Framework. Django-Rest-Framework(DRF) supports three different types of views. They are Function Based Views, Class Based Views / Generic Views, ViewSets

How to Customize Django Oscar Models, Views and URLs

In order to customize models, views and urls, you need to fork an Oscar core app in which model/view resides. Then you should be able to override any model/view classes.
Steps to fork/customize an app:

Google Plus API Integration with Django

Using GPlus integration by Django, we can get the user verified email id, general information, friends in a less span of time, and user can also share articles.

Extract Data from PDF and all Microsoft Office Files in Python

The quick way to get/extract text from PDFs in Python is with the Python library "slate". Slate is a Python package that simplifies the process of extracting text. In this post, we will see how to get/extract from pdf's.

Django PayU Payment Gateway Integration

In this blog, we will see how to integrate Django and PayU Payment Gateway. To integrate with PayU, we have package called "django-payu" - a pluggable Django application.

GitHub Repository: django-payu

Running Django with PyPy to Boost Performance

Running Django with PyPy to boost performance

How to Create your Own E-Commerce Shop Using Django-Oscar

Oscar is an open-source eCommerce framework for Django. Django Oscar provides a base platform to build an online shop. Oscar is built as a highly customisable and extendable framework. It supports Plug-gable tax calculations, Per-customer pricing, Multi-currency etc.

Sendgrid Inbound Email Parsing with Django

Using the Inbound parse web hook, we can parse the contents, attachments of an incoming email.